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Lake Ozarks – The Osage Nation’s $20,000 donations to the Osage Beach Fire Protection District are being used to protect the health of local firefighters.

The Osage Nation has donated a total of $20,000 to the Osage Beach Fire Protection District (OBFBD) as part of the Nation’s charitable outreach efforts. The first $10,000 the OBFPD received purchased a vehicle mounted direct source capture unit for the exhaust on one of their fire trucks.  This device acts as an exhaust scrubber for the diesel fumes emitted by the fire trucks and will help protect firefighters’ lungs from long-term exposure to the fumes.

The second $10,000 donation from the Osage Nation will be used to outfit another OBFPD fire truck with this health protection system.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to all first responders who put their lives on the line in service to their communities.  We are honored our charitable donations to the Osage Beach Fire Protection District are being used to help protect the health of local firefighters,” said Kimberly Pearson, CEO of Osage Casinos.

“The Osage Nation has shown by words and actions they are valuable members of our community.  The generous support we have received is being put to great use to protect our firefighters so they can serve the Lake area in times of emergency,” said Paul Berardi, Osage Beach Fire Protection District Chief.

To date, the Osage Nation has made $340,000 in charitable donations through four rounds of giving.
